Wednesday, January 26, 2011

East to West

Malaysia got East and West. The two distinct parts are East Malaysia consisting of the territories of Sarawak and Sabah on the northern third of the island of Borneo, and the Peninsular Malaysia on the Kra peninsula of mainland Asia.

It's geographical area is 330,434 sq. km and it is well-watered, tropical rain forest.

The Malay population is increasing at the expense of the Chinese and Indian population. They've also have the most oldest indigenous people called, "bumiputera" meaning "sons" or "princes of the soil."

In the 1980's, limitation on religious freedom were introduced, and Islam became the official and favoured religion in Peninsula Malaysia though Islam in Malaysia is less extreme than in the Middle East. In 1999, the government relaxed some restrictions, like, places of worship, the issue of missionary visas, and public meetings. The government also made it illegal to convert Muslims, but Muslims are to induce animistic tribal people and Chinese to become Muslim.

Federation of Malaya got their independence from Britain in 1957. Politically powerful Malays extended their influence over the non-Malay half of the population in educational, economic and religious life. The growing power of Muslim political parties separated the country with ethnic and religious tensions.

The Malays now are socially and legally isolated from the Truth. It is illegal to witness to a Muslim. Let's pray that God may prepare courageous Christian leaders to reason with or confront the authorities in their inconsistencies and injustices in the treatment of non-Muslims. Let's also pray that religious freedom will be upheld and that Christians may not be intimidated by threats but rather be bold to stand for their constitutional and heavenly right to proclaim the Gospel.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

See Them Small But Totally Giant!

We will be here soon! :)

Singapore, with the total area of 648 sq. km. looks really tiny in the map, but became one of the world's wealthiest and most efficient trading and financial center lah. It was ruled by British for 135 years, from 1824-1959 and also became part of the Malaysian Federation from 1963-1965 mah.

Thanks to Prime Minister Lee and his successor Goh Chok for establishing the strong and authoritarian government. They have provided direction and stability for spectacular economic growth.

               Singapore has a freedom of religion, but they have concerns when it comes to maintaining ethnic and religious harmony that they must not proclaim in public about their religious beliefs leh. And they must not be involve in politics.

In an open country with most number of Buddhism and Islam, is such a great win for us. Let's just pray that churches in Singapore will draw near together to have unity among churches. And let's also pray that Singapore may be a means of blessing the many less-evangelized nations and people around it.

Notice that I've using phrases like "lah," "mah" and "leh" right before my punctuation mark. It is because Singaporeans use this phrases in the end of the sentence. Phrases can end in "ah," "lah," "leh," "mah" and "what." We were practicing these phrases in school and it just so good to hear.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our Friendly Sunda!


Our ICS101 class visited Indonesia today!

I've learned so many things about the beautiful archipelagic island country in Southeast Asia, The Indonesia. As it is illustrated in the map, Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world. Because of the archipelagic setting of this country, they've got numerous dialects and languages, yet one language is still known and used by everyone-- Bahasa Indonesia. It's culture was influenced by many countries like, India, China, Arabia, The Netherlands and even Portugal. 

I've also learned about TEETH CHISELING done by a tribe of people in Indonesia.

They believe that a woman is more beautiful if she has her teeth chiseled into sharp points.

Whether the woman like it or not, if her husband asked her to chisel her teeth, she must obey.

The wives are very submissive to their husbands because they want their husbands be proud of them.

I was assigned to search and discuss about Sunda of Indonesia. The Sunda are known for their friendliness, it is also a place where informality and openness is more emphasize. And they are also more strongly Islamicized. Traditionally, farming is the way of living of people in Sunda. The province of West Java (where the Sunda live for generation) was known as the "national rice storehouse," because of its high fertility. The development of industries affect the Sunda's way of living. Many Sunda people no longer work as a farmers, but a traders. 

Almost all Sunda are Muslims, not just an ordinary Muslim, but a stronger ones. They also have an animistic world view, because the Sunda needs to protect their harmony with the natural world. Their beliefs is based on fear, they believe that everything happens because of the spirits are to be honored and appeased through rituals.
The Sunda, our friendly friends need our help by praying for them. They need help and guidance to raise their standard of living, there is also a need for agricultural investment and modernization.

Most importantly, let's pray that God will reveal Himself to them so that they will know that God is stronger than nature or any power or spirit!