Saturday, February 5, 2011

Land of the Free


Land of the Free because it successfully retained its freedom when surrounding countries were colonized by Western powers.

They have a fertile agricultural land, they exporting rice, sugar, rubber. Its geographical area is 513, 115 sq. km. and with a total population of 64,865, 523. 

Their government is a constitutional monarchy govern by King Bhumibol Adulyadej (King Rama IX of the Chakri Dynasty. He's the only king who reigned the longest in Thailand, he reigned for over 60 years.

Thailand is also known for the Land of Smiles. Phu Yai (Big people) or Phu Noi (Little people), they smile. They greet each other with prayer-like gesture called Wai. It is a common greetings for the Thais, but it also adheres to strict rules of protocols: raising both hands, lightly touching the body somewhere between the chest and the forehead is the standard form. The wai is both greeting as well as a sign of respect, given by the person of lower status (Phu Noi) to the person of higher status Phu Yai. It may be made while sitting, walking or standing.

Social relationships are defined as one person being superior to the other. Parents are superior to their children, teachers to their students and bosses to their subordinates. They call the low status people, Phu Noi while Phu Yai is for the higher status.


Mai Pen Rai Thai for: Doesn't really matter or never mind!

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